It's too bad that we are not in Jelgava now; we had great experiences the last two years and we will miss it.
We send our regards to the organisers and all our curlingfriends and we wish you all a super tournament.
Good stones and have fun.
See you next year !!!!
Wim Neeleman
The Dutchies / NETHERLAND /
…… Thanks for the great tournament !
Krystyna Beniger
CC Cocktail / POLAND /
Once again I want to say that the tournament was great - great
organizational work, nice players and feeling! Thank you for having us in
the tournament! …………
Fred Randver
Inc Eesti / ESTONIA /
We would like to thank you and everybody who were involve in
organization for an amazing tournament. Great curling, great party and
opportunity to meet many friends from all over the world.
We hope to see you next year,
Marianna Das
Media Curling Club / POLAND /
Paldies Tev un Tavai ģimenei par 4 gadu cītīga darba rezultātu, bija
teicami- trīs dienas laba ledus, jautrības un teicamas organizācijas, tas ir
lielisks balzāms, no kura skurbumu jutīs visu sezonu, līdz nākamajam Ondulat
Kausam:) ……..
Kārlis Smilga
“Jelgavas Maiznieks” / LATVIA /
………. Thanks for a fabulous weekend, we all really enjoyed it and of course hope to be invited back next year.
Adrian Meikle
Margarita International / WALES, DANMARK, SWITZERLAND /
I just wanted to thank you again for the wonderfull
weekend we have had in Latvia, and for all the efforts
you have made with the perfect organization and
details to ensure such a good championship.
Also to say that these 5 playing curling and meeting
and having new friends is being such an experience,
which I will probably always remember.
Thank you very much for all, and hope to see you
around Europe any time, playing.
Give a big congratulation to all your family and the
sponsors for the effort they made too, so everything
was ok!!
Jose Luis Hinojosa
CC Jaggers International / ESPAIN, FINNLAND, CANADA /.
Thank you very much for all the attentions towards the Iparpolo Curling Club, specially to Evita by the tourist visit to the center of Riga. Congratulations by the organization of the Tournament.
Manu Garcia Roman
Iparpolo Curling Club / ESPAIN / .
Spasibo za tyrnir! Ochen ponravilos! Nadeus bydet vozmoznost priehat esche!!!
Anastasia Jensen
SKA Sankt-Peterburg / RUSSIA /
Paldies par lielisko turnīru !
P.S. Šī bija labākā dzimšanas diena, ko esmu
svinējis :)
Roberts Krusts
“Jelgavas Maiznieks / LATVIA /
………..Thanks once again for your hospitality and kindness as usual they were excellent …………..
…….Once again thanks and I am looking forward to our next meeting.
Mark Callan
Scotland Andorra Stars / SCOTLAND, ANDORRA, LATVIA /.
Thank you to all the organizers, in special to
Janis and family, Ansis and Evita (fantastic
tourims guide). Three authentic Curling days.
Wonderful tournament.
Alberto Vez Bilbao, Skip Iparpolo Curling Team,
Vitoria- / SPAIN /.
Dear Latvian Friends,
thank you for an outstanding curling week-end.
Paldies!! had great times, and really look
forward to see you around soon. Thanks, Ansis,for
everything you did for the bonspiel.
Congratulations. Also thank to all the people
involved that made the 3 curling days wonderful.
Karlis, see you soon! I will wear your shirt with
pride!!! To the people that made the first trip
in the car, and Maya for being so nice driver!
To all thank you,
Jose Luis Hinojosa.
Spanish Curling National team 2005-06. / SPAIN /
PS: Mark, Brian, Antonio, Paul, Andrew, Ana,
Katjia, board of members!!!
Our Russian Ladies team as usualy happy in Latvia!
Good party, good games, good friends! Hope to
come back again.
Irina Kolesnikova & Co
/ RUS /
...... Gribeeju pateikt lielu PALDIES par turniiru. Tu un visa organizatoru un to paliigu komanda kaarteejo reizi pieraadiija, ka Ondulat kauss ir liimenii. Sai turniiraa bija Latvijai neparasti labs ledus un atmosfeera, protams, superiigaa - kaa vienmeer! Lai izdodas arii turpmaak un, skiet, ka kameer vein komanda "Peerles" pastaavees, mees vienmeer buusim prieciigas piedaliities Ondulat kausaa. :))
Gunta Millere
"Peerles" / Latvija
Dear Friends of Curling
Once again what an amazing competition! Latvia
is THE great fun curling location. Thanks a
million to ...
- Maija for all her organising and for putting
up with us for so long. Palidosim!!!
- The members of the Amsterdama Board (you know
who you are).
- The lovely Cocktail team from Poland.
- All the nice people from Latvia and the
various other countries (just too many to list).
- My 3 dearest Latvian team members for
accepting me just the way that I am.
- Organisers, sponsors and volunteers for making
the OC 2005 so special.
- The management and clientele of The Fashion
Club and Club Essential. Bless you!
Paldies Latvija!!!
Brian Gray