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Be More You and Bring Out the Best in Everyone to Create a Better World
Michelle LaBrosse, CCPM, PMP, PMI-ACP, RYT
Did you know that when you are happy and doing what you love, it makes you more willing to help others succeed as well? How can we make the world a better place by creating more of this for everyone? Cheetah Learning has developed a process called the Cheetah Success Academy. It helps you unleash your natural genius, find and/or create opportunities that suit you, and then bring others along to help you. Everybody who has completed this program has seen significant career advancements, received pay raises, started businesses and helped their children achieve higher grades, pursue greater goals, and been more involved in their communities. But the most important thing they love about the program is the way it helps them to live in a new way that creates a better world.
Cheetah students learn to bring out the best in others and create a better world.
There are two main goals to the online Cheetah Success Academy program. It is a ten-day, 60-hour program. The first goal is for Cheetah students to activate their innate genius. The second is to teach them how to use their innate genius to bring out the best in everyone. The mind map to right shows how Cheetah student learn these critical skills to create a better world. We will now discuss how we do this.
Malcolm Gladwell's book, "Outliers", discusses the foundation that makes people more successful than others. They have the support they need to develop their strengths. They love what they do so much that they put in the time and effort necessary to be a "genius". Your gifts or strengths are also known as "genius". How do you accomplish these two things? This is where Cheetah Success Academy comes in. First, Cheetah students learn about their unique personality type. They then explore ways they can leverage their natural strengths and help them learn more effectively. They discover what it means to be successful by using their strengths, and who is most likely to support them in further developing their strengths. They learn how to find the best opportunities that will allow them to leverage their natural genius and maximize it. When deciding what opportunities to pursue, they consider being the best version of themselves.
For Cheetah students, activating your innate genius and applying it to your life is only one part of the equation. We all share this planet together. To make significant progress in life, we all depend on each other. Cheetah Success Academy students learn how to harness their natural strengths and how to help others. They learn to support others in their genius development. They learn to be open and positive with others to build harmonious and uplifting relationships. They raise their CQ, which is their caring quotient, so that others around them feel valued, respected and appreciated for who and what they have to offer.
Cheetah Learning started this journey by helping project managers become more than just good project managers. Our PM students told us that everyone should have access to this program. This is how we created the Cheetah Achievement Academy.

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